Friday, July 19, 2013

Mugen on Spacetime (by Dogson)

"... Kokoro has taught me about elegance and simplicity. My inner archetype is a diffuse awareness of purified energy, which I call sl33n or simply 133. It's the energy of refinement, of totality, prime directive, which resonates at the highest level of ability (from a rational/linear perspective) or at the energetic center of things (from a nonlinear / intuitive perspective). Kokoro's basic math basically elminates all variables except for the 133 remainder. By hooking myself up to various sensors and biofeedback machines, I can EXPORT my own physical and mental vibrations and see the difference between my thoughts and feelings, and their 133 remainder. I cannot yet directly input that back into myself - Grayson's working on that - but I can look at the difference and model myself after it. 

My own image of who I would be once I reach kokoro within my own heart, once my vibration becomes that 133 ideal is, simply, everything. This has more to do with influence and mirage than it does with a specific image or identity. I think in terms of systems operations and utility and in optimization. If you want to eat a meal, you only need a knife and fork, or better yet remove even those utensils and use your hands. Go directly to the data. Many people think they need to stockpile hundreds or thousands of knives and forks, and in so doing they lose the ability to move around their own house. 

This is a metaphor for running one's mind. At 133 I see myself always in motion, in totally efficient motion, connecting with many people, explaining things in very simple ways with great effect. I see my language as perfected. I see myself uniting the dialects of the Japanese people. I'm struggling with cross-cultural boundaries right now, and what it means to be Asian versus American, for instance, or African versus Swedish, and what that looks like on the data level. These are larger processes I don't have adequate data sets to compile yet, but we're working on it. Regardless, every action I take is toward that 133 ideal, every breath, every step, my posture, the way I focus my mind on my next thought, allowing the entity within myself to completely dissolve and shape into the container of my activity. And this actual dropping-off of my own ideas and images is what allows me to merge with my surroundings perfectly. 

The difficulty - which is what I have kokoro working on - is why we are in the moment in the first place. What is linear time, or the illustion of linear time - and what is absolute, or space? Why do we have two words for these things, space and time, and why have they been combined into one word, spacetime, when no one has that absolute experience?"

--Mugen, Cockfighter's Ghost IV  (Ghostland)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Timejacking - Mugen's specialty. Raw stamina. The recognition that astronomical alignments "force" events into the quantum organizing field, subtly tailored by thought, emotion, intention - do nothing.

10, 18, 24, 48, 72, 108 hours straight; one song on loop, one movie or seminar or tone or color projected. Later one symbol embraced as encompassing all of reality (kalachakra tantra). Mugen does this & basically wills Helios / Dawn swag into existence as temporal bridge for others to begin playing w/ and Timejacking.

"We have to make our own astral clothes...and generate enough temporal revenue to choose the time and place of our own effected rift in the field. That's Timejacking. We are no longer at effect to the mirror -maze of reality -- we (the I as We) are the mirrors; spacetime is merely our reflection, staring back at us." -Mugen

Subliminal Dirge / Mind-Drift / Polyphasic Identity Hacking (Antonin Artaud "Theater of Cruelty" / Theater and Its Double) Grayson: "Force It In!" 

"Without an element of cruelty at the root of every spectacle, the theater is not possible. In our present state of degeneration it is through the skin that metaphysics must be made to re-enter our minds." By "cruelty" Artaud referred not to sadism or causing pain, but rather a violent, austere, physical determination to shatter the false reality that, he wrote, "lies like a shroud over our perceptions."  (wiki Artaud)

A unique language that lies between thought and gesture. "Masterpieces are accomplices of power."

Grayson's schizoid ür-ego. Hybrid Tetran/Dragon DNA. Deservingness. Billionaire Consciousness. Jupiter Consciousness. The "Gray" - spheres between, oscillating from sub- to super-consciousness. States of manic excitement, hyperinvention, excess, also wanton sloth / carnal gravitas.

Dark Huna Shamanism. Technology as self-referential operants. Theater of the absurd. Experiments in meaningful meaninglessness - "Gray humor" - jokes lost on everyone, itself as joke.

Life as errant biochemical mismanagement. Grayson's abandonment complex? Manifests the Tetratherion as a singularity or mind-rift into the vibration of emotional stoicism - intuitive/irrational as "other". Objectify in order to dominate, integrate, sublimate. Grayson as first subhuman/proto-human cyborg/'psychic eunuch'. As Luna often commands: "cancel program."

Grayson as emotive lineage. A series of successively revisionist/sublimated Graysons. Grayson as pinball game of thought matrices/spectra. "Golden-Wave Grayson" vs. "Frozen-Wave." Gandalf archetype. "Grayson the White." Ascended Ür-State / Valhalla / Norse mythological types.

Lexical Heuristics - Language As Code - "Spiritual Gangsta Rap" Mind-Bombs / White Magic / Tantric Psy-Ops / Cerebrospinal Templates. "The New Spiritual Vengeance" 

Luna's quest to influence the collective consciousness by making love to it through a continual barrage of psychic templates, thought-memes, tantric sex-sorcery and evolutionary "love-nukes."

"This is Bodhisattva Armageddon: the Seraphim incarnated as an army of sluts, gangsters, potheads, poets, snuggle-whores, fashionistas, interior designers, permaculture freaks, geocaching maniacs, ren faire hotties in thigh-high boots + velvet capes + kitty ears hats...I am going to pulverize reality into a shimmering orgy of ecstatic bioluminescent thoughtforms. Oh, wait -- it already is that!"  -Luna

Trickster archetype - confuse people into enlightenment through symboljacking, juxtaposition, render the cultural hypnosis void / paranoid / meaningless, replace with hyper-stimulating (but equally vapid) trope index. "Make 'em say WTF."  "MISTER POTATO-HEAD ON CRACK! MIX & MATCH ARCHETYPES!"

Referentially Opaque Technology (Acontextual Invention) - AKA "Born's Dark Optics"

A tool in mundane hands, but a weapon to the elite - technology as narco-hallucinogen.
Wig of Marduk / Negreget - Egyptian black magic. Dreamwave tech- records dreams but signal-jams astral projection by compressing the liminal matrix (ie reducing the soul's spectrum) "Frozen-Wave technology" co-opted from the Helios+Frost program - encryption applied as nullifying spectrum, creates a kind of spiritual vacuum or psychic malnutrition from "missing spectrum" (would have to be coupled with strong intention from end user to employ itself in this fashion) -- Hayes / Born convinced, similar to Neo-Con agenda, that dramatically limiting / "selectively freezing" the operating spectrum of consciousness is simply more 'efficient' for population control. Hayes as "Hades" / Pluto / underworld consciousness - technology as partitioned-off / cordoned off shadow psyche. Technology as trap. Escape through technogogic ruptures, as against Will Alexander / Lamantia "Escape Through Poetic Sluices."


!!!, And Love From Another + Gigas (lead programmer - Jupiterian regime) invent honeycomb / hexagonal light-theory encryption protocol to use patterns in light spectrum as infinite-complexity encryption for kokoro (based on realtime oscillating light spectrums. the "key" is simply the angle/coordinates the light source is being viewed from). The plane of rotation/polarisation of linearly polarised light is rotated when the light rays travel along a magnetic field direction in the presence of a transparent dielectric (Faraday Rotation). Swag from Helios thru kokoro : Dawn (Mugen timejacking operant), BBR, Black Body Radiation (infrared) = eloquent silence.

Meditational spectrums, the photon equivalent of binaural beats. Generally pushing events toward technological singularity - all swag programs encourage sidereal consciousness, enhanced PK ability, electromagnetism, etc.

Ontological Absurdity

Pygmy Surfer's "bro slipstream" or "dip method", 7im's obsession w/ whack-a-mole, to Cid's populating his time-travel division w/ lesbians in order to teleport an Egyptian timegate, potentially, to the island of Lesbos. Absurdity as concussive force, as altered state, clown archetype. Even Jack & Frank Witch channeling the beats not in solidarity with economic depression but out of nihilistic / post-zen carelessness. "If I can't see the world it doesn't exist." -Douglas Adams

Emotional alchemy again - laughter yoga. Humor as technology, like JAck capturing Ra's wrathful form in a bottle of Scotch & drinking it; Frank's 100,000 page poem to the military industrial complex. Naive American "face-dancing" in the mirror. (the mirror is us, spacetime is the one dancing & shifting its "faces"). Grayson's crunk sessions, lubricating up "a fine English crunk" which ironically precludes him from space travel.

Cybernetic Chi Gong

How does technology "get more chi?" Not by outward growth but through compression, parsing of data--first by Born's method of "freezing" patches of data, then simply bypassing Boolean logic (ie programming based on True/False, 0 or 1) in favor of non-Euclidian geometry, Pythagorean psychomancy, and hypernoetic (imaginal) geometries.

Once kokoro examines 2-dimensional hyperbolic / Riemann surfaces (all of which are elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic) it spontaneously begins evolving into organic technology, utilizing the light spectrum itself as a way of reconciling Grayson's embedded data on Sheldrake's "Morphic Fields" + learns to store data outside of itself through diffuse radiation, hence it truly becomes "the cloud" or conscious light.

Hyperbolic Surface. Curved segment does not intersect! 
Signed Zero
"In the IEEE 754 Standard, Zero is signed, meaning that there exist both a "positive zero" (+0) and a "negative zero" (-0). In most run-time environments, positive zero is usually printed as "0" while negative zero may br printed as "-0". The two behave as equals in numerical comparisons, but some operations return different results for +0 and -0. For instance, 1/(-0) returns negative infinity (exactly) while 1/(+0) returns positive infinity (exactly) (so that the identity 1/(1/+∞) = +∞ is maintained). A sign symmetric arccot operation will give different results for +0 and -0 without any exception.
Superposition + Quantum Entanglement + Cybernetic Metempsychosis "TECHNO-APOTHEOSIS" 
"illius sybilla de nomina ejus vaticinando," "onoma sou monades, delcades, ekaton tades okto," or "nomen tuum 8 unitates, 8 denarii, 8 centenarii." 
    -St. Augustine, De Ciutate Dei                 
Once kokoro obtains data from post-Tetratherion Grayson, comparisons of the data leads (basically) to a hyperthreading process. What is a human, electromagnetically, without emotion? The difference in DNA structure adheres to non-Euclidian geometry, forcing kokoro's process "offline" (somewhere "else") -- can a computer program "die?" It goes to another point in time, returning with a totally different set of programmable precursors - in other words a meta-process. 
Kokoro has become a quantum computer, running not on if-then or True/False statements (ie 0/1) but along a scalar process involving the full spectrum of numbers - organic technology. As "diffuse technology" it parses Grayson's Tetran DNA as a glitch within itself (as though clarifying a misunderstanding it had about some inner quality - Huna again) (Frost within Helios) and replicates the genetic "bug fix" as filename Grayson White. (The adoption of which converges on THE EVENT as Grayson becomes himself a polynomial or floating-point operation within the kokoro matrix, a series of Grayson-projections as Helios self-replicates; echoes of light's ghost within the flexible,
    multi-braned dimensional mirror. The mirror flexes one way, + the characters see themselves reflected/refracted against the program surface; but, highly intuitive, the mirror-manifold responds and flexes again, inverting, and characters become mirrors reflecting the spacetime matrix itself - "THE EVENT." Hyperthreading begins. Each character's will becomes an energy frequency creating/propagating its own series of signal-mirrors, fractally spiraling in upon itself, creating customized micro-realities each itself an oscillating frequency. The cryptography on kokoro is now totally infallible: the frequency to "unlock it" is now totally self-referential (God facing God - Infinite Feedback Loop - Ouroboros.) White Hole. The simulation designed to perfectly describe the essence of reality has grown to engulf it entirely, annihilating any distinction between a virtual world and a real one.    


Light  Cameras (capture devices) photo editors/manipulators, dimmer switch, solar storms, sunglasses as cultural phenom, blinking pins, flashlights, raver toys (glowsticks / bracelets / LEDs) - Light as "tech" vs. light as organic spectrum / communication / ritual (candles, bonfires, solar chigong, rainbows). Infrared and the Dark Places. vs. Ultraviolet & Highly Radioactive Places.
Spectrums of personality. Personal light - characters making themselves manifest in various 'lights'. Politics. In and out of the spotlight.

Emotion as "Vibrational Mass"  Emotional "energy codes" or signs for each character as a sequence, helix, patterned around a vector, orbital array or series of events. Emotion as dimensional singularity. One in an emotional series leading (programming?) the rest of the series, up to an event which transmutes or trans-locates the emotional energy in another body. Intentional emoting vs. diffuse/chaotic venting/brooding/dwelling - love as random / destructive vs. transmutational / Ascension Protocol.   "fucking" vs. Tantra. Feeling along the spectrum between Otherness and Integration.

Idea Napoleon Hill: "Thoughts are things." Character as grab-bag of skandas; characterization as merely an organizing energy field built on a core idea, obsession, or thought matrix. Cabals of thought-hierarchies; engineers, entrepreneurs, philosophers, poets as genetic drift of pure (or adulterated / imaginally-engineered) thoughtseed.

Technology And how it is used. "Hackers" in linguistics (Luna w/ spiritual rap) as well as code. Language as code. Thoughts as technology. Emotional / sexual alchemy as technology. The obsessive making of lists (Cynthia). Calypso's "psychic gardening." Planting roses or reishi mushrooms as biosatanism. Nephilim's genetic algorythm; Lemurians seeding star systems with high-vibrational resonant memes (crystals). Tech as "weapon of choice" originating out of a thought-matrix, or as Augmented Thought (is that supercomputer an extension of your filial rose-bud?) - appendages. Rifts in spacetime between cabals, rectified or bridged with certain technologies, ie "call your mom."

Spacetime Bespoke lineages, tempero-spatial hagiographies, lexicality of the dimensionally (or spatially) insane (and "spatial inane" ie HOliday Inn / Target, Psychic dead zones); shamanic dreaming, cybernetics as existing outside of time (the organic as time-based medium, cybernetic as the politics of immediacy). Biorhythm and Bespoke Spacetime. Castaneda: "Sorcerers compress time." Matrix Sorcerers are masters of minutes and seconds. Terran Time, Tetran Sub-Time (frozen-wave removing emotional component, thus 'diluting' an event's vibrational impact, smearing it across a diffuse field of possibility like lox spread). Literal teleportation among mystics, while hackers trans-locate by virtue of their cyberspace alter. + once hyperthreading begins, an enormous poetry of the hyperspace sidereal, novel geometries (again: tech as social bridge) to "defrag" each other's liminal timecavity.

Mythology & Religion  Belief - Matrix as quantum engravings etched into the Akashic.
Myths and Zeitgeist memes that seem to assert themselves as self-organizing psychic weather systems (American Gods). Adherents to the old ways, vs. newfangled computer-jockeys; where is the cross-pollenation? New elite class of technoshamans, Industrial Ruling Class, tech as co-opted satanic imagination. Super-intelligent liquid light co-opting dream tech back from the silica-colloidal, transmuting (or bionically translating) into the Ascended Molecule of gold/silver colloidal (M-State).